
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

weekly drawing

my class has a "weekly drawing" contest going on.
this one is week 39's: FUNGUS PARTY

Monday, September 29, 2008

more train travelling.

me on my way to seeing tunng perform in århus, sep 2008.

Fredericia train station.

calender 2008-2009, front.


Jody - lunchbreaking at høgni

Esben at his desk

Christian linetesting

me sleeping  - lunchbreaking at høgni

Jody sleeping - lunchbreaking at høgni

cosy time.

Jody, Sara and I having cosy time

Jody in england, me in denmark and Sara in singapore.

not really happy with this one, but until i draw another this will have to do.
Me and Sara the last cosy time-morning.

more sketches from TDA.

peter from CGAo7 line. 

Arna, Anne-Marie and Morten watching people playing guitar hero.



Søren always sleeps

getting bangs.

my mom cutting my hair.

Drude is bored.

sometime in june 2008.
me watching "Pride and Prejudice"

me being very bored on facebook,
because nothing happens.

just waiting for something to happen

theme: Batman on a pony

for the Duelhall

Sunday, September 28, 2008


dream: yellow insanely driving busses

dream: a birth in the forest

dream: the Cheater, the Victim and the Truth

random sketches

random vehicles

during an art history lecture

train travel

the day my watch stopped


Sara and Jonas sketching

Jody and Atli sketching

Søren sketching

our coffee table in class


trip to copenhagen / bodies

from the BODIES EXHIBTION in Copenhagen

from the BODIES EXHIBITION in Copenhagen

from the BODIES EXHIBITION in Copenhagen

from the BODIES EXHIBITION in Copenhagen

From the BODIES EXHIBTION in Copenhagen

Me and William on the bus

Freja and Lasse in Friborgen

Freja and Mette in Friborgen

The kitchen of Friborgen